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Counting down...

There are literally only a few days left to make your voice heard. Go to the Consultation page and use the template there and email or post it to the Council at the address shown. You'll notice that we've put banners up near the motorway roundabout, and the village has really come together to publicise the issue and encourage people to get involved. It's really important that as many people as possible contribute to the debate - when we come together we can really make a difference. We proved that with the Dog Inn!!

We are still short of our fund-raising target for the planning consultant we've appointed although we're over two thirds of the way to achieving it. If you can, please, please, please click on the tab at the top of this page and make a donation. It doesn't matter how much - every little really does help!

After the closing date passes for the submission of responses to the Council, all of which will be considered by the independent Planning Inspector who will chair the Public Inquiry into the Local Plan, we'll let you have an update to let you know what happens next and the timescales involved. Whatever you do, don't get downhearted - people power really CAN make a difference!


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