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What can residents do now?

Updated: Apr 24, 2022

There are plenty of things planned which you can get involved in.

Firstly, there is going to be a march from Belthorn to Blackburn to protest the proposals on 23rd April 2022. Meet at the War memorial in the Village at 10 am and wear green if you can!! The more of us that can go, the better. Let's really make an impact!

Secondly, we have a petition against the proposal which you should sign. The higher the numbers we can get, the better. Click here to link to the petition.

We're also putting together a one page summary of the key reasons why we think this proposal is such a bad idea. Once it's ready we will put it on the website and make it available for residents so that if you meet any Councillors or people in a position to influence the proposals, you can make them aware of the reasons we are objecting.

Also, we're still short of our fund raising target to pay for the professional Planning Consultant who will represent us at the Examination in Public. So if you are in a position to donate, please click on the Donate button and put a few more quid in the pot! Every little helps, as they say!

We will keep you posted on the site as well as on the Facebook page about other ways you can help. Let's keep up the noise!


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